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Profile tags

Learn how to assign tags to your profiles to assort them into logical groups

ClΓ‘udia Duarte avatar
Written by ClΓ‘udia Duarte
Updated over a week ago

If people label pantries for organization and efficiency – "Grains", "Snacks", "Breakfast items" and more –, why shouldn't they also label profiles? 🍫 Tags are labels by another name, a versatile tool that makes it possible to organize profiles in a logical manner to make them easier to find! 🏷

In this article

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What are tags?

In Full Fabric, a tag is a keyword or keyword phrase that can be used to group profiles based on similar factors or attributes for organizational purposes. In profiles, they're located under the user name. In the below example, two tags can be seen: Waiting for passport, and HSWW Exchange Student:

To put it another way, tags are essentially a classification system, not unlike how libraries categorize books by subject matter. πŸ“š If someone wanted to find a book on the art of violin playing, for example, they'd have to look in the "String instruments" section. 🎻 Similarly, in our system, clicking a tag will produce a list of every profile associated with it, and so will creating a segment with the rule is tagged with. Since tags are completely customizable, they can be as broad or as narrow as necessary.

Here's an example of a list of profiles with the same tag – in this case, HSWW Exchange Student (if you'll notice, it's the ALL PROFILES overview, but automatically filtered on your behalf):

And here's an example of a segment:

By the way, the rule is not tagged with also exists. As the name implies, it returns all of the profiles that don't possess a certain tag.

There are no limits to how many tags a school can have, nor to how many profiles can be assigned to them.

What are tags useful for?

As explained above, tags connect people through a common keyword or keyword phrase to make them easy to find. In turn, you can:

  • Invoke the tagged profiles in an audience segment in order to send them a campaign;

  • Invoke the tagged profiles in a shared segment to export, unsubscribe, delete or forget them in bulk;

  • Export profile class journeys in bulk from the ALL PROFILES overview.

This could be useful for a variety of situations; here are a few examples:

  • If you're cleaning out your database from dirty data;

  • If there's a group of people you're particularly interested in chasing;

  • If there's a special privilege some applicants must be granted, such as an early bird discount, and you need an easy way to remember who they are;

  • If your instance has test profiles and you want to easily tell them apart;

  • Etc.

Let's play out one of these scenarios for a more concrete picture. Imagine your university provides an accommodation service through partnerships with local student residences. Whenever an applicant satisfies the eligibility standards to obtain such assistance:

The accommodation specialists who are in charge of assisting applicants find suitable housing solutions write down their email addresses ➞ Import them to Full Fabric with the goal of tagging everyone at once ➞ Mark the newly-created or updated profiles with a tag, such as "Lodging London Autumn 2022", in order to differentiate them ➞ Proceed henceforth to use the tag to communicate with the applicants in question:

Please note that, while, by definition, tags are supposed to be created around specific details of a subset of profiles, this doesn't extend to confidential information, as it's not possible to restrict tag visibility by team.

TIP: Tags are for identification, not for recording notes, so if it's the latter you want, please use the Latest activity tab inside profiles to add notes, which you can set to be private, available to your team or available to every team.

How can I create and delete a tag?

Creating new tags

Creating a new tag is extremely easy and everyone can do it, as it's neither possible to restrict the ability to create tags by team nor role. There are three methods:

  • Method 1 ➝ through a profile:

1) Access a profile

2) Tap Add a new tag

3) Type the name of the new tag and press [Enter] or [Return] on your keyboard

  • Method 2 ➝ through an automated workflow:

1) Open an automated workflow

2) Define Add tag to profile as the ACTION

3) Type the name of the new tag under TAGS and then click Add, or, alternatively, press [Enter] or [Return] on your keyboard

  • Method 3 ➝ through an import:

1) Start an import

2) Reach the step Profile Details

3) Type the name of the new tag under Tag and then click Add, or, alternatively, press [Enter] or [Return] on your keyboard

Managing existing tags

Managing tags must be done in close collaboration with Full Fabric's Customer Support team, the reason being that, to prevent mistakes leading to unintentional but permanent data loss, staff users can't review and delete tags on their own. By data loss, we mean that when a tag is eliminated, it's immediately removed from the profiles it was previously linked to and there's no way to track which profiles used to have it, making this an operation that demands judiciousness and concentration.

The one pitfall of how easy it is to create a new tag and the fact that everyone's allowed to do it, as the preceding topic explained, is the advent of duplicate tags. Duplicate tags come about whenever spelling variations and typos occur ("Alumni 2021" versus "Alumni2021", for example). Consequently, we strongly encourage staff to use the autocomplete function for accurate text input, as demonstrated below, because Full Fabric only matches profiles with exactly the same tag:

Furthermore, you can count on us to readily supply the full list of your school's current tags and offer assistance upon request, so we do also recommend making it a habit to periodically perform an inspection and prune any tags that are repeated or obsolete. After that, we suggest passing a copy of the updated list around to your coworkers.

To delve more into this matter: tags can't be edited – in other words, they cannot be merged or renamed. So before we're able to delete a tag, regardless of whether it's because it's a duplicate or it needs replacing, the corresponding profiles must be associated with the definite tag by doing an import first (more on this later). Once that's been accomplished, we'll finally delete the original tag, leaving only its successor.

How can I add a tag to a profile?

There are three ways to tag people: by visiting someone's profile and directly adding a tag to it, by doing an import in order to tag multiple profiles in bulk, and by automating a workflow so that any profiles that meet the appointed criteria are automatically tagged by the system. Next, we'll explore each option one by one.

Directly tagging a profile

Directly tagging a profile is extremely easy:

1) Access a profile

2) Tap Add a new tag

3) Type the name of the tag and…

a) If you're reusing an existing tag, click the relevant predictive text suggestion

b) If you're adding a new tag, press [Enter] or [Return] on your keyboard

Doing an import

If you wish to tag profiles in bulk, the way to achieve it is by importing a CSV file containing the first name, last name and email address of the profiles you wish to update. Please read this article to pinpoint where to go to start the import (probably the ALL PROFILES overview in most cases), and also this one to learn how to use our import tool. Having said that:

  • In the Import settings step, you should select Yes, add new profiles and update existing profiles

  • In the Profile Details step, you should insert the pertinent tag under the field Tag (again, if you're reusing an existing tag, click the relevant predictive text suggestion; but if, on the contrary, you're adding a new tag, press [Enter] or [Return] on your keyboard)

If you're new to importing, please consider reading our exhaustive series of articles from top to bottom.

Setting up an automated workflow

To have the system do the heavy lifting and automatically tag profiles on your behalf, you can set up a workflow to be triggered by a given event response, a form submission, an application being started or submitted, a lifecycle state transition, and an offer being made, accepted or declined, as well as a host of extra facultative conditions. Here's an example of an automation that was configured to tag profiles if they declined an event but showed interest in keeping up with new dates:

Only when every single requirement is fulfilled, will the automation take place.

As always, you can use the TAGS box to summon an existing tag by beginning to type it out and then selecting the appropriate match from the list of suggestions, or create a brand new tag on the spot instead. For more information, please read our article about automated workflows.


You have reached the end of this article. Thanks for reading! πŸ€“ If you have any questions or comments on the topic at hand, or if you enjoy reads like this and have article requests, let us know. Also, please leave a rating below. Your feedback is highly appreciated! πŸ’–

PUBLISHED: March 21, 2022
​LAST UPDATED: September 22, 2022 at 11:27 p.m.

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