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How to create an event - Part 4 - Get ready to publish and track your event's performance
How to create an event - Part 4 - Get ready to publish and track your event's performance

Preview the landing page and learn the processes to record and report on registration and attendance information

ClΓ‘udia Duarte avatar
Written by ClΓ‘udia Duarte
Updated over a week ago

It's time for the finishing touches: inspecting the fruit of your labour to make sure it's ripe, sharing it with the world, and then tracking how it does! πŸ‹πŸ‰πŸ‡

In this article

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Preview the landing page

You can preview the landing page to see the components in action at any time by clicking the tab Open landing page on the upper right-hand corner:

It's important to get into the habit of previewing your work as you go, because, for one, it gives you an idea of how exactly it will appear to visitors; two, it lets you know if everything's working properly, particularly in regards to schema fields; and three, it's more efficient to make adjustments along the way. If you added links, do test them as well, lest they be broken or miswritten.

The landing page is automatically generated based on the settings of the Details and Schema tabs. The main content area contains the name and the description of the event, followed below by the registration form; to the left is a vertical cover image of your choosing, on top of which is a floating window with additional information and a Register button that scrolls down to the form with one single click:

[crop output image]

Where can I publish my event?

Student Hub

A marvellous option to publish your event is to add a link to the registration form on a portal page, which you can do best through the Events widget. The Events widget lets you display a list of Upcoming Events, including their main details (name, date and time) and a link to the respective landing pages, automatically ordered from closest to farthest. By default, all upcoming published events are displayed, but you can deselect them to start over and pick exactly which ones you want to be available. To make multiple selections, hold the Control (CTRL) or Command (CMD) key as you click:

This is a beautiful and elegant solution to advertise multiple events without clutter! The list is displayed to end-users in a floating panel to the right of the main content area:

We recommend putting some thought into the pairing of pages and events, as the right combination can be most advantageous. For instance, a page about applying to your school would be a great fit to promote an Open Day event; a page about a particular programme would be excellent lodging for a related meet-up; etc. It's a unique and fantastic opportunity for self-promotion because it catches the attention of site visitors – who, by visiting your portal, are signalling a marked interest in your school –, essentially creating the right conditions to convert quality users into event attendees. And what's best is that's incredibly easy, as we've already seen! Just requires some judicious planning and filtering! 😁

Anyway, this is not the only strategy you can employ, of course – which takes us to the next option.

Provide a click-through to the landing page

Sounds obvious, but a deceptively effective way to tout an event is simply to forward people to the landing page! This works especially well when providing a click-through on your school's official website, such as a button to register, that redirects users to the event landing page in FULL FABRIC; or when you provide a click-through button in a campaign message, which is a powerful call to action in lead nurturing campaigns. 🌟 Just a few innocent suggestions (that you should totally follow)! πŸ˜‰

To get the link, click Open landing page on the upper right-hand corner and copy it from the URL bar:

How can I capture event participation?

The only way for event responders to change their answer, once submitted, is through you, so every once in a while you might hear from users asking you to edit their responses on their behalf. πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Also, attendance must be logged into the system if you want to possess a track record, and this is important not just to measure how well the event did and reflect on what worked and what didn't, but also to maintain engagement through follow-up initiatives (e.g., "We missed you" emails to no-shows, feedback surveys to attendees, etc.). There are two ways to capture event participation: manually and by QR scanning, and both are a cakewalk! 🍰

The first thing you have to do is enter the Stats page, accessible by the homonymous button in the upper right-hand corner. From then on the processes vary.

How to record event participation manually

To manually update event responses, toggle over the responses column, represented by an R, and select the new answer (the icons stand for yes, maybe and no, in that order):

Likewise, to manually update event attendance, toggle over the A column and pick the new status (the icons stand for attended and didn't attend, in that order):

The aforementioned methods work on a profile-by-profile basis, but you can also Update attendance and registration in bulk by tapping the three-dotted button on the upper-right corner of the profile list:

A dialog will be prompted with two dropdown menus: REGISTRATION RESPONSE and ATTENDANCE; however, if you only want to update one of them, set the other as Do not update. Kindly note that this command applies to the entire user list, and there's no way to bulk-update different values to different profiles.

If, during your event, you have participants showing up who forgot to register, you can easily register them on the spot through the function: Add one or more participants. This doesn't apply to guests though (people merely coming as company); there's no manual mechanism to capture guests.

Third, but not least, you can Import participants. For instance, suppose your school was part of a higher education fair and now you're back in the office with a pile of leads from people you met there (fingers crossed). Naturally, you should import them to FULL FABRIC, as was already discussed here. Rest assured, importing is cumulative (i.e., it doesn't overwrite current participants), automatically creates profiles for new users, and updates existing ones. To learn how to import leads from an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file into the portal, check out our how-to guides.

Now, for something different, let's imagine that you want to delete someone from the event, like maybe a test profile. All you have to do is press X and then OK to the question Are you sure you want to delete this response? Be aware though that you can't undo this action.

How to scan QR codes to check people in

Using a camera-enabled tablet, smartphone or computer, click SCAN on the upper-left corner of the profile list:

You'll possibly be solicited to enable your camera, so make sure to allow. Then instruct attenders to point their QR codes at the dashed square onscreen to exchange information:

Once the QR code is successfully verified, you'll get a success message saying Presence confirmed and the system will move on to questioning how many guests were brought. Have the attendee reply and then press Confirm:

Finito! How easy is that? πŸ˜ƒ

Tracking event attendance

An event is a substantial investment – in time, energy and oftentimes money. All of which goes to waste if no one shows up. Consequently, analysing the end-to-end results is vital to gauge if an event is performing well and worth repeating, in order to drive forward action.

In line with the functionalities in the Events module, the stats revolve around responses and attendance:

VIEWS β€” Total number of times that the landing page was viewed.
​RESPONSES β€” Total number of submitted responses to the event (regardless of which response).
​YES β€” Total number of submissions with affirmative responses.
​MAYBE β€” Total number of submissions where the response was MAYBE.
​NO β€” Total number of submissions with negative responses.
​ATTENDEES β€” Total number of recorded event attendees.
​GUESTS β€” Total number of recorded guests brought along by event registrants.

Then, with the column picker, you can customise the columns that you want to display:

In addition, since there will probably be times when you need to take action upon a certain profile or quickly reach out for more info, a direct shortcut is available – the ID card icon on each row:

For all of that, large portions of data are better managed if extracted
and imported into another database by generating an Excel or CSV document. We're referring to the fourth bulk action you can do, Export responses. Simply click the button, choose the EXPORT FORMAT and tap Export to go ahead:

Your file will be ready in a few seconds!


PUBLISHED: February 18, 2020
​LAST UPDATED: May 31, 2021 at 8:59 a.m.

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