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Quick start - Profiles

Get quickly started with understanding people and how to help them progress with Profiles

Jim Evans avatar
Written by Jim Evans
Updated over 11 months ago

Profiles - understanding your customers and helping them succeed

With Full Fabric's profiles, you can develop a comprehensive picture of a person and get a clear understanding of their needs and the next step that is needed to help them progress.

Creating a profile

To create a new profile for a new person simply go to the add icon on the top bar.

Searching for a profile

To search for an existing profile use the search bar to search for their name or email.

Viewing a profile

From the profile, you can:

  • View and change the progress of their journey through your programmes and classes

  • Review the application forms they have started and submitted

  • View and edit their general information and contact details

  • View and create tasks for yourself or other staff relating to that person

  • View the email campaigns they have received, the forms they have submitted and the events they have registered for

  • and much more!

We'll quickly cover some of the important actions here.

Viewing a person's applications and the progress of their journeys through your programmes

You can view the application forms that a person has started or submitted and the progress of their journey through your programmes and classes from the sidebar on their profile.

From the sidebar below you can see that this person is interested in the Full-time MBA programme. He has started the Full-time & Part-time MBA application form and is applying for a Full-time MBA in September 2019, but has started as an engaged prospect for the Full-time MBA January 2018 class but withdrew.

Recording and sharing a person's communication history

Imagine that this person's story is that he had a phone call with the MBA programme manager and he wanted to apply for January 2018, but he wasn't able to apply for the January 2018 intake due to personal reasons, and now, is applying for the September 2019 intake!

All of this important communication history can be recorded in the latest activity of the profile so everyone can share it and act on it.

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