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FAQs about Student Management (CORE)

Find quick answers to the most common queries about Student Management (CORE)

Pedro Silva avatar
Written by Pedro Silva
Updated over a week ago

1. Can I delete a Study Plan?

No, study plans cannot be deleted.

2. I cannot delete a class from a profile, why is that?

If the profile has either a Payment Plan and/or a Transcript within that class, those elements must be deleted first before the class can be deleted.

3. Is it possible to change how Courses are ordered in Transcripts?

Yes, the list of Courses in Transcripts can be order either 'alphabetically' or by 'course start date'. Only the support team can change it.

4. Can profiles have more than one Owner?

Yes, profile owners are per class journey. If a profile has multiple class journeys, may have also different owners, one per each class journey.

5. When registering students for a Course via the Calendar, why do I see all classes from the institution?

This is normal. The Calendar displays all classes of the institution, not just those in which that course is included in the respective study plan.

6. Why do I only see a specific list of students when registering for a Course?

Because the list only includes profiles whose transcripts include that specific course, making them eligible for registration in that specific course.

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