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Filtering courses in transcript templates by criteria such as pass/fail, registered/reject etc.
Filtering courses in transcript templates by criteria such as pass/fail, registered/reject etc.

Learn how to use merge code filters to choose which courses are displayed in transcripts.

Joana Ferreira avatar
Written by Joana Ferreira
Updated over a year ago

Depending on the type of document you want to send to your students e.g. an offer letter with separate lists of the courses that the student has been accepted and rejected from, a final transcript with the courses separated by category, you can filter which courses appear in the document by using merge code filters to define which courses appear on the transcript templates.

Example: transcript template with courses filtered by grade states

Please find an example below of a transcript template which has a separate section for grades which the student has passed and those which they have failed, and an example of the student's transcript and printed transcript.

Transcript template

Profile transcript

Printed transcript

What criteria can courses be filtered by?

Courses in transcript templates can be filtered by the following criteria:

  • Registration state: Registered/ Rejected/ Conditionally registered

  • Grade state

  • Course state: Class New/ Applications open/ Applications closed/ Class in progress/ Class done

  • Course category

Merge field course filters

Please find a list of the different filters that you can apply to courses in a transcript template.

Course state

Filters by the current status of the course (Class new, Applications open, Applications closed, Class in progress and Class Finished).

Course State

Merge Code Fields


Class New

Opening: «course:if(new?)»

Closing: «course:endIf»

Filters the student’s transcript for courses with the state Class New

Applications Open

Opening: «course:if(open?)»

Closing: «course:endIf»

Filters the student’s transcript for courses with the state Applications Open

Applications Closed

Opening: «course:if(closed?)»

Closing: «course:endIf»

Filters the student’s transcript for courses with the state Applications Closed

Class in Progress

Opening: «course:if(in_progress?)»

Closing: «course:endIf»

Filters the student’s transcript for courses with the state Class in Progress

Class Finished

Opening: «course:if(done?)»

Closing: «course:endIf»

Filters the student’s transcript for courses with the state Class Finished

Course grade state

Filters by the grade state of the courses on the student’s transcript.

Grade State

Merge code field filter


Opening: «course.grade_state:if(pass?)»

Closing: «course.state:endIf»


Opening: «course.grade_state:if(fail?)»

Closing: «course.grade_state:endIf»

The grade states available by default are, as mentioned above, Pass and Fail. If you are interested in customizing the list of grade states available by introducing more options or changing the terminology of the default choices, please contact our support channel at

Course registration state

Filters by the registration state of the courses on the student’s transcript.

Registration State

Merge code field filter


Opening: «course.registration_state:if(registered?)»

Closing: «course.state:endIf»

Conditionally registered

Opening: «course.registration_state:if(conditional?)»

Closing: «course.grade_state:endIf»


Opening: «course.registration_state:if(rejected?)»

Closing: «course.grade_state:endIf»

Course category

Filters by the course category of the courses on the student’s transcript. Please use whatever the name of your course category is - in the following example we have use a course category of "Final MBA assessment".


Merge code field filter

Final MBA assessment



Additional comments

These filters can be used to create all matter of official documents, ranging from a report on all courses a profile has failed so far, to a confirmation letter of courses registered.

But even better, you can also combine both filters to customize your documents even further!

Our support team is available to assist you in this process should you need any help designing and creating new templates!

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PUBLISHED: December 01, 2023
LAST UPDATED: December 01, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

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