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Assignments integrated with Turnitin's Feedback Studio

Send grades for an assignment created in Turnitin to Full Fabric

Nicholas Merican avatar
Written by Nicholas Merican
Updated over a week ago
  • Check student assignments for plagiarism

  • Give student's meaningful feedback on their assignments

  • Standardise assignment grading

With Full Fabric you can set up an integration with Turnitin's Feedback Studio whereby:

  • Staff create Turnitin assignments from Full Fabric which creates a partial grade for the assignment

  • Grades from Turnitin are automatically sent to Full Fabric

Please see the following videos on staff and student's view of using Turnitin assignments in Full Fabric:

Staff view of creating a Turnitin assignment from Full Fabric, grading assignments in Turnitin and seeing the grades in Full Fabric

Student view of submitting a Turnitin assignment

Enabling the Turnitin integration on Full Fabric

To enable the Turnitin integration on Full Fabric, start on Turnitin by "Registering LTI 1.3 with your LMS" in Turnitin, in other words - setting up an integration between Turnitin and your LMS (Learning Management System) - Full Fabric. Please see the following Turnitin guide for Registering LTI 1.3 with your LMS. Part of the process in this guide will lead you to this screen in Turnitin.

At this point in the process you will need to copy integration details from Turnitin and add them to the empty fields in Full Fabric and vice-versa.

To find and input these integration details in Full Fabric, simply visit General settings - Integrations - Turnitin.

Then copy the following populated details from Turnitin and add them to the empty fields in Full Fabric:

  • Tool Public Key set URL

  • Login Initiation URL

  • Launch URL

  • Target Link URI

And then copy the following populated details from Full Fabric and add them to the empty fields in Turnitin:

  • Platform public key set URL

  • Issuer

  • Client ID

  • Access token URL

  • OpenID connect login endpoint

Then once these details have been added to the fields on both Turnitin and Full Fabric click the "Disabled" button at the bottom to change it to "Enabled". Then the option to create Turnitin assignments will appear to staff when they create assignments in Full Fabric.

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