The first step of the evaluation process is to create evaluations and assign them to evaluators.
For the process of creating and assigning evaluations there are two options:
Create a single evaluation from an application
Create evaluations in bulk from a list of applications
Create a single evaluation from an application
When you visit an application and the application template has evaluations enabled, then you will see an evaluations tab.
When you visit the tab you will see the option to create a new evaluation
Create evaluations in bulk from a list of applications
When you visit a list of applications and you open the extra options you will see an option to create evaluations. This will create evaluations for all of the filtered applications, so please apply the relevant filter and then create evaluations.
Please note that when assigning evaluations it's possible to select multiple evaluators in which case the evaluations will be distributed between the selected evaluators evenly.
To learn more please see the other articles in the collection.