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Get around the campaigns area & start a new campaign
Get around the campaigns area & start a new campaign

Visit the Campaigns overview to start, find, edit or delete a campaign

ClΓ‘udia Duarte avatar
Written by ClΓ‘udia Duarte
Updated over a week ago

You can't fetch water from a well without knowing its' location, so to put this module to good use you must make acquaintance with the Campaigns overview, which is where you'll find the complete list of your school’s campaigns divided into different tabs by state of progress with the appropriate set of options to manage the listing, namely start, edit and delete. Since campaigns reside here, the overview is also the golden gate to email creation and data. 🐝

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How to access the Campaigns module

Β  Β  Β 1) Click Apps on the sidebar
​  Β  Β 2) Choose Campaigns

Time to meet the Campaigns overview! 😍

How to start a new campaign

Click the button above to start a new campaign. Wanna know what to do next? Click here to find out!

How to edit, duplicate or delete an existing campaign

How to view the stats of a campaign after it's been dispatched

The Campaign statistics area preserves all of the original details of that campaign, and most crucially it features an ensemble of statistics in respect to delivery and engagement. More on the stats here.

How to find a campaign according to author

The selector on your right allows you to filter which campaigns you want displayed across all tabs by author, namely a team or team member. Campaigns are automatically assigned to whoever creates them and their respective team.

How to find a campaign according to state of progress

The sequence of tabs at the top is where campaigns are automatically sorted in relation to their state. Next to each tab name is the number of campaigns under it.

Planned β€” Campaigns without a release date, kind of like a drafts folder.
​Scheduled β€” Campaigns that have already been scheduled for release by a certain date and time.
​Queued β€” Campaigns that are in the process of being sent, because emails are sent in batches as the portal connects to the server and transmits information.
​Dispatched β€” Sent campaigns.

Understanding how campaigns are displayed by state of progress

The lower part of the page comprises the full catalog of campaigns of a tab. Each tab comes with an assortment of columns to quickly point out everything you should learn at a glance. Below you can find an explanation of each column! 😽

NAME β€” Black is the name of the campaign, grey is the subject of the email message.
​CREATED BY β€” Author of the campaign.
​CREATED AT β€” Moment when the campaign was created.
​RECIPIENTS β€” People within the audience segment who are eligible to be recipients because they consented to being contacted.

SCHEDULED BY β€” Staff member who set a schedule date to send the campaign.
​SCHEDULED FOR β€” Appointed date to send the campaign.

QUEUED BY β€” Staff member who dispatched the campaign.

DISPATCHED ON β€” Date and time when the campaign was dispatched.
​DELIVERY β€” Number of delivered emails out of number of emails sent, and number of undelivered emails.
​UNIQUE/TOTAL OPENS β€” Unique opens out of total opens.
​UNIQUE/TOTAL CLICKS β€” Unique clicks out of total clicks.
​UNSUBSCRIBE β€” How many people unsubscribed from marketing communications.
​SPAM β€” How many messages went to SPAM.


PUBLISHED: November 12, 2018
​LAST UPDATED: August 12, 2020 at 02:09 p.m.

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