Managing tuition fees and payment plans effectively is essential for maintaining financial oversight in your institution. This article will guide you on how to track payments in various sections of your system, ensuring you have a comprehensive view of each student's financial status.
Quick Navigation:
Quick Overview of Payment Plans on Student Profiles
To quickly assess the status of a student's payment plan, navigate to their profile. Scroll down to find the Payment Plans widget located in the sidebar, just below the application form.
Widget Details
This widget provides essential information about the student's payment plan:
Existence of a Payment Plan: Indicates whether a payment plan is set up.
Payment Plan Name: Displays the name of the active payment plan.
List of Payments: Shows all payments included in the plan.
State of Each Payment: Indicates whether payments are completed, overdue, or upcoming.
Viewing All Transactions Received by Your School
If you want to review all transactions received by your institution, follow these steps:
Click on Finance in the sidebar.
Select Transactions to access the complete list.
This section includes all transactions, including paid application fees, providing a comprehensive view of financial activity.
Monitoring Tuition Fees Owed
Full Fabric maintains a global list of all existing payment plans within your school.
To view and manage important information about these plans:
Click on Finance in the sidebar.
Select Payment Plans.
Key Features of the Payment Plans Overview
In this section, you can quickly check:
Whether payment plans are published or unpublished.
The status of the payment:
Not Due
Paidon schedule or overdue.
Total amounts paid and outstanding balances.
Customizing Your View
You can customize which attributes are displayed on-screen by using the Column Selector located at the top right corner. You can choose from up to 12 attributes, including:
Payment Plan Name
Publish Status
Fee Status
Overdue Outstanding
Paid Amount
Outstanding Amount
Discount Total
Additionally, you can filter data by program, publish status, and fee status. You can also search by profile name, primary email address, or payment plan name.
Exporting Data
If you need to analyze data outside Full Fabric, click on Export at the top right corner to download an Excel version of your current view.
Displaying Payment Plans in Applications or Class Pages
Another useful feature is displaying a list of payments directly within an application or class page. Here’s how to do it:
Click on Programmes or Applications in the sidebar and enter a specific class or application, or go to the ALL PROFILES overview.
Click on the Column Selector
Scroll down to the user list and add the Payment Plans column.
This will allow you to view students' financial data alongside their application details.
By utilizing these features across different sections of your system, you can effectively keep track of payments and ensure that students remain informed about their financial obligations. This comprehensive approach helps maintain financial clarity and enhances communication between staff and students. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team!
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