1. I'm accessing an application template as a candidate to test it, but I cannot go past the marketing policy area, why?
As a staff user, to access an application template you need to open the application template's link in an Incognito/Private browser tab.
2. Can a reference request link be used by multiple referees?
No, the reference request link is always unique per referee.
3. Why do applicants cannot see some classes in the 'product choice field' of the application template?
Only the classes in the state 'applications open' will be displayed for applicants to select in the 'product choice field' of the application template. Classes that are in other states, such as 'done' or 'in progress', aren't displayed.
4. Is the Experience tab of profiles connected to the application templates?
Yes, if the Experience tab is enabled in application templates. If enabled, the data inserted by applicants is automatically added to the Experience tab.
5. Why does a profile have two applications, but they appear differently in the right-side panel of the profile?
Because the applications are of different types. An institution-level template will appear in the profile's application widget, while a class-level template will appear only in the class journey widget.
6. If I manually change the Product Choice of an application, will the profile be automatically added to the new class?
No, changing the Product Choice in the application does not automatically add the profile to the new class. You must manually assign the profile to the class.
7. Why can’t I get past the privacy policy selection when testing an application template as a candidate?
Because you're logged in with your staff user account. To test an application template as a candidate, use an incognito tab or a different browser.
8. I'm trying to start an application on behalf of a candidate, but I don't see the application template in the list of templates, why?
The application template is not open. You can only start an application for a candidate using templates that are open.
9. Why am I seeing the message ‘Applications are closed for this template due to the class being closed’ when opening an application template?
Because the class linked to that template is not on the state 'applications open'. Go to the Details tab of the class, set a 'Class starts on' date (it cannot be empty), and add a date that is posterior to the 'applications close on date'.
10. Can I download only an Evaluation without the whole Application?
Yes, Evaluations can be downloaded uniquely. When downloading an Application, simply check the ‘Evaluation’ box to get only the Evaluation.
11. If an application template doesn’t have the ‘applicant notification’ or a 'workflow' enabled, will applicants still get a submission confirmation?
Yes, if the ‘applicant notification’ or workflows are not enabled, applicants will receive the default system notification, located in General Settings > Automation > System email templates.
12. If the 'applicant notification' is enabled, can I customise the sender email?
No, the 'applicant notification' uses the system default gateway. To customise the sender email, create a workflow with the action 'send email to profile'.
13. If I assign a batch of evaluations to multiple evaluators at once, how are they distributed?
The evaluations are divided evenly and randomly among all evaluators. Each evaluator receives a single notification for the batch assigned to them.
14. If an evaluation is first assigned to one evaluator and later reassigned to another, will both be able to access it?
Yes, both evaluators will have access to the evaluation.
15. What should I do if a candidate selected the wrong product in their submitted application?
You keep that application and manually edit the product choice in it. Then, remove or withdraw the profile from the original/wrong class and manually add it to the correct one, as the system doesn’t switch the classes automatically.
16. If an application template has the Courses tab enabled, and applicants make a mistake selecting the courses, how can we fix it?
The staff can edit the application to correct the courses if they know the changes needed. Otherwise, they can unsubmit the application and ask the applicant to update the courses and resubmit it.
17. Why am I getting an error while trying to reassign an Evaluation?
If the Evaluation has already been submitted, you need to unsubmit it first before you can reassign it.
18. When can a staff member unsubmit an Evaluation?
A staff member can unsubmit an Evaluation if the respective permission is enabled in their staff role, and the Evaluation is a 'team evaluation'. For 'individual evaluations', only the creator can unsubmit it.