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Updates to the email editor

Discover the latest updates to Full Fabric's email editor

ClΓ‘udia Duarte avatar
Written by ClΓ‘udia Duarte
Updated over a week ago

We've recently launched several significant updates to Full Fabric's email editor, for which we prepared the present article. Please read on to learn about these exciting changes in detail! πŸ˜ƒ

Latest improvements

(click to jump to topic)

Additional header styles

To offer greater contrast between the headers, titles, and main body text of your emails, there's now a greater variety of header styles to choose from. 🀩

Therefore, instead of:

The current options are:

Choose a separate colour for your headers

Headers can also be a different colour than the main text, links, and buttons of an email template now, thus helping you further create a sense of hierarchy and organization. This is because the THEME COLOR palette was split into two palettes: HEADINGS and BUTTONS & LINKS. 🎨

Here's an example of an email template with different colors:

As can be seen, not only does the separation of colours make the email more visually interesting, but it also enhances the message being conveyed and what it's leading to, as the button pops out that much more, grabbing your attention. πŸ˜‰

Improved buttons

Expanding on the above-mentioned line of thought, the padding and the size of email buttons have been slightly increased to make them stand out more. This was done to raise the prominence of your call-to-action buttons and therefore boost their respective click-through rates.

Here's the before:

And here's the after:

Align an image to the right without text wrapping around it

To make it easier to design newsletters, brochures and other types of beautiful emails with multiple text and image sections, we changed the behaviour of the function to align images to the right to no longer make the text automatically overflow around it. Instead, the text stays within its' own column, as already happened when aligning images to the left. This way, any time that two or more sections are combined, they look clean and coherent! 😌

Different widths

To make more use of horizontal space, the default width of email templates has been changed from 600px to 640px. Accordingly, the width for right and left-aligned images in text sections is now 284px instead of 175px so that there's an equal column width for text and images.

For your convenience, we've already resized the previously uploaded images in your existing email templates to adapt them to the new dimensions, namely headers and images adjacent to text. However, there's an exception: wide 600px images occupying an entire section. At moment, those have a 20px white margin, as demonstrated below:

To remove the margins, please upload a 640px version of the images in question.

TIP: If a right or left-aligned image has become overly big for the overall look of a given email template, you can easily get around that by adding margins using your graphics editor of choice and making them the same color as the email background.

Adjusted padding

We've reduced the spacing between text, image, and button sections for layouts so that they look better proportioned. πŸ’ͺ

Here's the before:

And here's the much improved after:

NOTE: The above screenshots still feature the old version of the buttons.

Redesigned interface

We've polished the interface of our email editor to make it more user-friendly as well as aesthetically pleasing. Rather than going for a radical and ultimately confusing redesign, we opted for subtle and organic adjustments to make it easier to find the different text section layout options and understand them, such as the introduction of bigger buttons, tooltips, and so on. Below are some before and after comparisons:

Preview how your email will look on a mobile device

You can now preview the mobile version of an email template. To do so, just open a shared email template or an unsent campaign message and click the button Preview in browser; then, in the preview window, toggle between Mobile and Desktop to see how the template renders on each type of device. Here's a demonstration:

Mobile devices account for an increasing percentage of email opens, so make sure to test your email templates in all formats before using them. πŸ’ͺ

Sidebar layouts deprecated

Keeping the rapidly growing number of mobile readers in mind, we deprecated sidebar layouts due to them not being responsive on mobile devices, meaning that the following layouts are no longer supported:

Old email templates designed with a sidebar layout will remain unchanged but display the error Sidebar layouts have been deprecated since they are not responsive on mobile. Please copy your content and choose another layout.

All other pre-made layouts continue to be available:


We hope you enjoyed the news! If you have any questions or comments on the topic at hand, please let us know. Your feedback is highly appreciated! πŸ’–

​PUBLISHED: January 31, 2022
​LAST UPDATED: September 8, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.

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